1·Topics of study include electronics, instrument calibration, prototype development, and more.
2·RMIPS is a prototype development system for microcontroller interface programs in WINDOWS environment.
3·At present, the system is already in prototype development stage, and its existing functions are in well operation.
4·A development plan that involves high-level insight into the problem and more planning than incremental development or prototype development.
5·The controller system is essentially for the rapid prototype development of controllers and for assessing the controlling strategy of the controller.
6·Includes instruction in electrical circuitry. prototype development and testing. systems analysis and testing. systems maintenance. instrument calibration. and report preparation.
7·Using the prototype development model to develop MMIS, the MMIS developed is suit teaching regulations and embody teaching strategies, thus the quality in development of MMIS is improved.
8·This thesis emphasizes on solving series key techniques in theory analysis, simulations and prototype development, the laser transmitter prototype of range-gated imaging system has been developed.
9·The most advantageous aspects of thermoforming are its low tooling and engineering costs and fast turnaround time which makes thermoforming ideal for prototype development and low-volume production.
10·However, as the project progresses from concept to prototype to running system, the business and development teams' understanding of the business problem should evolve from fuzzy to concrete.